How Many Loans Did you Close?
2017 was a great year for H&O Capital Funding. H&O funded thirty-two loans this year, for a total dollar amount of just shy of $24 million. The loans ranged from as small as a $125,000 second mortgage up to a $4.25 million blanket loan on multiple residential investment properties.
What kinds of loans?
H&O saw a variety of loans this year. Everything from cash-out refinances to small second mortgages. There were also some creative loans to properties with multiple uses that required a few different liens to accomplish. The bulk of the year consisted of your typical first mortgages but there are always some unique deals and 2017 was no different. One theme ringing true in nearly all of the loans H&O funded this year was a need for speed. Borrowers with TOE closings, payoff expiration dates, etc. flocked to H&O Capital to get their deals done in time. In fact, H&O closed a small loan in Westchester County in just two days!
What kind of clients?
From seasoned developers to first time investors, H&O Capital saw the gamut of real estate players looking for loans in 2017. There were a number of borrowers with distressed properties that needed a partner who understood their vision for stabilization and revitalization. The bulk of our borrowers, as previously mentioned, needed a lender who could close quickly for a variety of reasons. The most common of these is that their conventional loan fell through and they had to scramble to save their deal. Thankfully H&O was there to help them all.
Lookout and Goals?
2018 promises to be another great year for H&O Capital Funding, although there is some trepidation as to the impact of the new tax laws and how that will impact deal making. We’re predicting a bit of a slowdown for the first 1-3 months as people digest the impacts of the new laws and how best to invest their money. Once that period passes, sales and refinances should ramp up considerably. If H&O is any indication, with 4 deals currently in the pipeline, 2018 may be a record breaking year in commercial real estate.